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Image by Carolyn V


" active obedience we worship God by doing what pleases God, but by passive obedience we do as well worship God by being pleased with what God does." - Jeremiah Burroughs  

God-Centered Worship

Every believer in Christ is a true worshiper of God. Prior to our salvation in Jesus Christ, we were given over to the idolatrous worship of things created. Outside of Christ, man worships sin and self. The supernatural work of God in saving a spiritually dead sinner transforms an idolater into one who lives for the glory of God in all things. We praise God that He has saved us from worshiping sin and self to worship the true and living Lord Jesus! 


Corporate (or Public) Worship

Corporate worship stands at the center of our life together as Christ's church. God is glorified through the coming together of His flock to worship through Scripture reading, biblically-saturated prayer and singing, expositional preaching, observance of the Lord's Supper and baptism, and joyful giving. Each week, we gather for Sunday worship. 


We sing hymns that declare God's glorious person and works. We pray as children seeking to express our love to our Father, and we hear His perfect Word explained in order to bow to it in our lives. We strive to do all things decently and in order, and we believe the acceptable way of worshiping the one true God is instituted by Him, and limited by His own revealed will in the Holy Scriptures.


We believe the public worship of God is to be regulated by His Word according to the elements it prescribes, including the reading of the Scriptures, preaching, prayer, offerings, singing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper. We believe that biblically instituted worship is simple. True worship never conforms to the innovative desires of the human heart or the surrounding culture, but to the Word of God alone. God calls on us to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and to respond to His Word in faith with joy, reverence, and awe.


Family Worship

Family worship is the worship of God in Christ, involving the collective and passionate participation of the household, under the headship of Christ primarily, and the husband secondarily, whereby God is exalted through biblically apportioned means alone. Every person is created to worship God and enjoy Him forever, which means every family is created for exactly the same end.  We believe the health of the local church is directly related to the health of the families that comprise it. Therefore, we encourage our members to engage in the consistent worship of God in their homes. 



Individual (or Private) Worship

At Christ Church we encourage and exhort our members to follow Christ's example and command to pursue Him in personal, private worship on a daily basis. This includes living all of life to the glory of God in Christ and actively striving to spend time daily in private, personal worship of our Triune God through Bible reading and meditation, prayer, and praise. We desire to live alongside one another in such a way that we spur each other onward in the spiritual disciplines of the believer's life. 



We desire that everyone would read the Bible for themselves and discover the truth and beauty of God's Word. Scripture is God's gift to us, lighting up our paths and drawing us into relationship with Him.



It is not enough to study the Bible—we must talk to God as we study. Bible study is meant to lead us to conversation with God by giving us the “conversational material” for our prayer life. It provides the language we use as we talk to Him.


Praying through Scripture can be a helpful way to ensure our prayers are shaped by God’s Word.



We use songs that fill our minds with God’s character, that form our worldview by God’s truth, and that teach us about the biblical meaning and personal implications of His Gospel.


The best of the traditional hymns and psalms, along with more modern worship choruses are those that direct our focus away from ourselves and onto the character and Gospel of God.



We preach the Bible alone, expounding verse by verse, because as Paul reminds Timothy, Scripture is “breathed out by God” (2 Tim. 3:16). 


Expository preaching is a necessary corollary of the doctrine of the God-breathed nature of Scripture. 


Such word-focused ministry, based on divinely given Scripture, fulfills four goals all at once: it builds up the church in faith and knowledge; it brings believers to maturity marked by spiritual stability; it produces a people whose lives are full of integrity; and it equips the church for service so that each member is engaged in ministry to others (Eph. 4:12-16).



We follow God's command to administer the ordinances - the Lord's Supper and Baptism - which displays the beauty and power of His Gospel to the unbeliever and builds a heart of gratefulness in the believer.

Christ Church of Guntersville

Prayer: Sunday 9am
Worship: Sunday 10am & Wednesday 6:15pm

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114 Bright Rd, Guntersville, AL 35976


Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 1022, Guntersville, AL 35976


© 2023 by Christ Church of Guntersville

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