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Image by Guilherme Stecanella
Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Worship Through Giving

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The work of the Lord requires the talents and resources of His people. Each year, Christ Church develops a budget, which supports its mission and ministries.  This work is accomplished through God's provisions, including the tithes and offerings of the congregation.  In addition to providing for the financial needs of the church and to 'give double honor' to our Teaching Elder, giving is a vital part of each believer’s spiritual development and maturity.  Giving requires two things of each of us:  Faith and Faithfulness.


Giving is an expression of our faith that affirms God as our provider and His ability to supply all that we need.  We trust God by giving in faith.  Our Lord promises to give every obedient Christian an overflowing, joyous life regardless of his financial position. Jesus told His followers, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.”


Faithful giving is not always easy and can come with everyday challenges (growing family needs, fixed income for retirees, loss of a job, an unexpected major expense, saving for retirement, etc.).  Faithful giving, based foremost on faith, requires several things which Christians must develop as they mature in Christ, including:

  • Proper intent for giving – giving is an act of worship to honor and glorify God (not ourselves) and to show our love for God. To truly trust God for your finances, you must also keep your heart and motives pure.

  • Good stewardship of our finances – budget within our means; systematic giving plan is included in our budget; careful use of credit cards, learning “how to afford” giving back to God, etc.

  • Giving from our heart that is done willingly, generously and cheerfully.

  • Giving at the beginning of the month instead of the end of the month – not literally but figuratively, i.e., we give from the bounty that God has provided not from what is leftover.

  • Caring nature for others – Follow Jesus’ command to “Love others as well as you love yourself.”

  • Asking God to supply our needs – Faith requires action.



Sunday Morning Worship Service – Place your check or cash in the offering box on the Welcome table.


By Mail – Checks made payable to Christ Church of Guntersville. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1022, Guntersville, AL 35976 


Online – Use the button above to give online. (note - there is a 2.9% + $.30 fee per transaction which is not tax deductible. You can avoid this fee by setting up a recurring online bill pay through your bank or by mailing a check directly using the address above.) 



Note: All monetary and non-monetary donations are tax-deductible. If you need further information to support giving, please email our Leadership Team ( 

Christ Church of Guntersville

Prayer: Sunday 9am
Worship: Sunday 10am & Wednesday 6:15pm

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114 Bright Rd, Guntersville, AL 35976


Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 1022, Guntersville, AL 35976


© 2023 by Christ Church of Guntersville

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