"Do you mortify [sin]? Do you make it your daily work? Be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you." - John Owen
God-Centered Edification
When Christ saves sinners, He calls them to join local churches for the purpose of mutual edification. Christians gather together to serve one another in love, not for selfish ends. Christians are to pray for one another, to bear each other's burdens, to live in harmony with one another, to regard one another as more important than themselves, to meet each other's needs, to rebuke and correct one another when necessary, to exercise their spiritual gifts toward one another, and to glorify God together with one voice, in love and unity that Christ may be all in all.
Family groups are just that; families gathering together during the week for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. These fellowship groups are a part of our goal to intentionally build relationships with one another.
We regularly gather together in men's and women's groups for prayer or to go through a book of the bible or a book that helps drive us to the Lord.
We gather for a corporate potluck meal on the 2nd Sunday of each month just after the worship service. Other Sundays we encourage families to gather together.
Our purpose is to linger over the Word, without feeling the need to rush away to take care of lunch. This is a wonderful time of reasoning around the Word and life together.
Scripture teaches that church members who sin should be confronted in love and called to turn from their sin.
The goals of church discipline are (1) to glorify Christ, (2) to warn and protect the church, (3) to be a means of grace to the sinning member, and (4) to be a witness of the holiness of God's people to the community.